Sassy cyborg takes no guff from human scientists, sets off Gaydar

FLIP CITY SCIENCE: Scientists working at UK robotics firm Engineered Arts have developed lifelike robots programmed to take offense to misgendering, gender phobia and harmful and threatening speech.
"Our first indication of success was when I addressed a fellow scientist in the lab. All I said was, 'It looks almost human.' AMECA instantly sprang to attention, folded its arms and challenged me. Then he said, "Excuuuse me?!! Take your hate somewhere else!"
"AMECA was programmed with a preferred set of genders and personal pronouns as well as a progressive sense of justice and healthy dose of attitude, to boot."
Other scientists appeared more shaken by their encounters with AMECA. "Hir looked me straight in the eyes. It was an eerie feeling I'll never forget," said one senior technician. "I'll never use the wrong pronouns in front of hir again."