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Supporters of NASCAR racer Brandon Brown are being persecuted at record levels.

A memo allegedly out of the Canadian government agency Shared Services which surfaced in October threatened action against staff if they make overt gestures of support for the NASCAR Xfinity Series driver and recent Talladega Superspeedway victor. Internet fact-checkers kicked into high gear to debunk the memo, lending credence to its authenticity.

Today security guards at a Wichita Thunder minor league hockey game removed a woman wearing a “Let’s Go Brandon” shirt from the arena. Spox for the team insisted the woman was removed not for her NASCAR shirt but for making inappropriate comments (like “Let’s Go Brandon”).

What, you might ask, did Brandon Brown ever do to these people, especially Canadian bureaucrats, to deserve their wrath? What is the source of the hatred for one man who drives a fast car? Is it jealousy on behalf of people who don't have awesome cars? Is it the result of long standing cultural prejudices against the NASCAR demographic, or is it an economic attack on the heartland by America's enemies?!

Our REBUS tee shirt is available in the Flip City store, until we can again make this a world where it is safe to express your support for controversial NASCAR athletes.


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