Flip CityGHOST ASSCLENCHERSHi, we are giant cowards who for some reason chose a career in paranormal investigation. And, being scaredy cats...
Flip City4 EMERGING MENTAL ILLNESSESPeople are getting crazier and crazier. And while that makes comics easier and easier, it makes sane people's lives harder and harder.
Flip CityIssue 3 CoverFLIP CITY's first Fall Mutant Monster Special, chock full of scary freaks, creeps, mutants and tards!
Flip CityKIDS YESTERDAY, KIDS TODAYWhat's the matter with kids today? They're a lot different from the kids of yesterday. It's weird.
Flip CityREMOMO: THE REMOTE CONTROL YOU NEVER LOSE TRACK OFTired of misplacingyour remote control? You need this...
Flip CityRESISTOCRATS PROMOSTEPHEN COLBORE and the RESISTOCRATS, all squished together in one cool poster.
Flip CityOLD FRIENDSAs New York's Governor Cuomo stuffs Coronavirus patients into nursing homes like cheese into canneloni, six self-absorbed sitcom stars...
Flip CitySONGBLANDThese masters of millennial musical mediocrity have earned the spotlight thanks to their massive egos and their uncanny ability to make any
Flip CityFRINKLE FORMULACelebrity spokesidiot Alyssa Moronic pitches new Super Advanced Frinkle Formula.
Flip City6 STARS WE'D LIKE TO QUARANTINEMany celebrities so keen on keeping America locked down indefinitely are using their newfound timeoff to perfect their fake crying skills...
Flip CityHOLLYWOOD GETS ITS MASK ONHollywood movies about masks with the characters in the movies wearing their character masks as well as Covid masks, in this fairly self-exp